In my searchs across the internet I have yet to see a photo essay on size and development of Muscovy ducklings. So, I figured I would work one up using the last hatch of 2022. It is a small clutch which will work well for this project.
These are from a clutch that a first time hen had during the high temperatures of July 2022 (95 to 105 degrees). I brought them in and put them in the incubator with some others to ensure that I got some from this clutch. I candled these eggs at the hens nest and brought in 5 active eggs and left the ones that I was uncertian of (three other eggs). I hatched 4 of the 5 brought in and the hen only had one hatch of the remaining three.
If you refer to the blog page "Meet the Flock", the drake is Pepper and the hen is Sandi Duck...
Sorry about the quality of the pictures. They where taken by my son, Matt, and myself. Neither him nor I am a professional photographer. That and getting baby ducks to sit still is worse than getting a toddler to sit still.
Anyway, the photos are taken at hatch, next day, then every seven days from hatch til 12 weeks old...
Hatch date July 31 and August 1...
Within a half hour of hatch...
Duck 3
One day after hatch...
Duck 1 (Possible Hen 1st Wk Determination, Round Head)
Duck 2 (Possible Hen 1st Wk Determination, Round Head)
Duck 3 (Possible Drake 1st Wk Determination, Oval Head)
Duck 4 (Possible Hen 1st Wk Determination, Round Head)
One week after hatch, August 7th...
Duck 1
2 Weeks after hatch, August 14th...
2 to 3 weeks may notice males have wider flatter bills.
2 to 4 weeks males may appear lazier.
3 Weeks after hatch, August 21th...
Duck 1
4 Weeks after hatch, August 28th...
4 weeks females beging to feather faster.
Duck 1 (Getting in feathers around wings, face & chest.)
Duck 2 (Getting in feathers around wings, face & chest.)
Duck 3 (Feet are slightly larger than other 3.)
Duck 4 (Getting in feathers around wings, face & chest.)
5 Weeks after hatch, September 4th...
5 to 8 weeks males will out grow females and get noticably larger feet.
Duck 1 (Feet and body size is increasing dramatically, Drake.)
Duck 2 (Accelerated feather growth on face, chest, belly and around wings, Hen.)
Duck 3 ( Feet and body size is increasing dramatically, Drake.)
Duck 4 (Accelerated feather growth on face, chest, belly and around wings, Hen.)
6 Weeks after hatch, September 11th...
Duck 4
7 Weeks after hatch, September 18th...Duck 1 (Drake, Lot less feather growth and much larger size on both body and feet.)
Duck 2 (Hen, a lot more feathering all over her body.)
Duck 3 (Drake, Lot less feather growth and much larger size on both body and feet.)
Duck 4 (Hen, a lot more feathering all over her body. She was having a lazy day.)
8 Weeks after hatch, September 25th...
9 Weeks after hatch, October 2nd...
Duck 2 (Hen - Named Midnight)
10 Weeks after hatch, October 9th...
Duck 4
11 Weeks after hatch, October 16th...
12 Weeks after hatch, October 23rd...
This concludes this photo journal of these 4 ducks from hatch to 12 week of age. I have chose this age to conclude the journal because many sites recommend 12 weeks for butcher age due to all feathers are in at this time. Wing tips have just started to cross over the back on both males and females. As you can see from the photos the hens are drastically smaller than the drakes both in body size and size of their feet.
The final real distinguishing differance between males and females is their voice. From 12 to 16 weeks the males loose their voice first, females shortely after. Males will loose their voice completely leaving them with just a hissing sound. While the hens will be able to trill, hiss and make other small noises. However, Muscovys don't quack as adults at all. The are a very quite duck that tends to like it quite as well.
Thanks for viewing this and if there is any other questions or if I left anything out feel free to contact me. Peace...
Much of my information on determining sex on Muscovy ducks has come from this site:
I have read several others and they mostly agree with the site above.
I chose this one because I like how the author wrote it and put it togeather.
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