Thursday, August 18, 2022

Duck Eggs...

We are done hatching muscovys for the year. So we have eggs...

**added info 08/25/22

The eggs have not been washed but have been refrigerated. These are extra large eggs. Recently collected, each egg is dated. Muscovys only lay up to a max of 190 eggs per year less if they sit on nests. The average muscovy egg is up to 2.5 inches long and can weigh up to 2.7 oz. Duck eggs are a bit on the hard to get side. Definately not like chicken eggs.

I am getting about 2 eggs a day at the moment; I only have 2 hens of laying age currently. Each week I start a new carton for hatching eggs. They are unwashed, dated, turned daily, graded (checked) and at room temperature. At the end of the week they refrigerated and I start a new carton for hatching eggs.

"There is an average loss of about 3% hatchability for eggs stored 7 days before setting, and about 10% loss for those stored 14 days." -- Cornell University

"Thanks to the egg's bloom, it's not necessary to refrigerate farm fresh duck eggs. However, refrigerating does drastically extend their shelf life. An egg will typically last about 3 weeks when stored at room temperature versus about 4 months when kept in the refrigerator." -- Taken from internet, multiple sites.

We currently have two (2) dozen muscovy duck eggs available for sale at $6 per dozen. Again these are refrigerated.

Thanks for stopping by... Peace...

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