Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 Sharing pictures of a new adventure.

Coturnix Quail.

I know that size is hard to determine in pictures. So, The red disk in the photo is a peanut butter jar lid that measures 3.5" in diameter with rocks in it for water for them and so they don't drown. With luck in the future I will be selling: eggs, chicks (straight run), adults (straight run), and breeding quintets (1 rooster and 4 hens). I have not determined any prices yet for rehoming. Just thought I would show pictures of the new fuzz buttons. We are so excited to have them on the Farm.

**It looks like I got only the standard size Coturnix to hatch. Currently the birds are 6 oz max at 10 weeks and they should be larger for jumbos size Coturnix. If anyone is interested in some standard size birds for eatting let me know and I will hatch you out a batch. It will take about 12 weeks to hatch and raise a batch to full size.**

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